Monday, January 5, 2009

declaring your praise

Psalm 51: 15 O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise.

on the birthday of my king, Jesus Christ, our oldest child, asked Jesus to enter his heart and rule his life. as a parent that loves Jesus and desires her children to know Him the way she does, there is no greater day. we had sat down as a family after dinner to read the book, what God wants for christmas, which by the way i would highly recommend. not because i think that is what caused "w" to ask Jesus into his heart, but because it is a wonderful book that clearly lays out the meaning of christmas in a childlike way with some serious biblical backbone. i love serious biblical backbone. after finishing the book W said, i think that we should all ask Jesus in our hearts. i love childlike faith. it is humbling and profound at the same time. if only i could believe like he does. W chose to pray on his own in his room by himself. he wanted to share that time with God alone. he had made a decision that will lead to a journey. the greatest journey any one person can choose to take. W is so confident when he shares the decision that he made. i am certain God has great things in store for my son, and now brother, in the kingdom of God.

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